한글 | 영문 |
회장 | Chairman/CEO |
부회장 | Vice Chairman/CEO |
사장 | President/CEO |
지사장 | President/Branch office President |
부사장 | Senior Executive Vice President |
대표이사/대표사원 | Managing Director/President/CEO |
전무이사/전무 | Senior Managing Director/Managing Director/CFO |
상무이사/상무 | Managing Director |
이사/이사대우 | Director/CFO |
이사보 | Assistant Director |
구매이사 | Purchasing Director |
부장 | Department Manager/Director/General Manager |
본부장 | Head Manager/Director |
부장대리 | Deputy General Manager |
사무국장 | Director |
공장장 | Production Director |
고문/자문 | Advisor |
상임고문 | Executive Advisor |
기술고문 | Technical Adviser/Technical Consultant |
전문위원 | Research Fellow |
감사 | Auditor |
기획실장 | Planning Manager/Manager/General Manager |
기획관리팀장 | Planning & Management Manager |
실장 | General Manager/Section Chief/CFA |
연구개발실장 | R & D Manager |
영업팀장 | Sales & Marketing Manager |
팀장 | Team Manager/Chief/Section Chief |
차장 | Deputy General Manager/Assistant Directorvice-chief Manager |
과장 | Manager/General Manager/Department Manager |
과장대리 | Deputy Manager |
대리 | Assistant Manager |
계장 | Chief/Senior Staff |
주임 | Assistant Manager |
주임기사 | Staff Engineer |
기사 | Engineer |
연구원 | Researcher/Research Engineer |
선임연구원 | Senior Research Engineer/Senior Engineer |
수석연구원 | Principal Research Engineer |
전임연구원 | Associate Research Engineer/Junior Engineer |
주임연구원 | Assistant Research Engineer |
한글 | 영문 |
기획부 | Planning Dept |
기계사업부 | Machinery Division |
기술연구소 | Technical Research Center/Research Institute |
관리본부 | Management Division |
관리본부 | Management Division |
네트워크사업부 | Network Business Division |
마케팅사업부 | Marketing Business Dept |
무역부 | International Dept |
총무부 | General Affairs Dept |
경리부 | Accounting Dept |
시스템사업부 | Department of System Integration |
시설관리부 | Facilities Management Dept |
e-Biz부 | e-Business Dept |
[팀 구분]
한글 | 영문 |
개발팀 | R & D Team(Research & Development Team) |
관리팀 | Management Team |
홍보팀 | Public Relations Team |
고객관리팀 | Customer Management Team |
경영지원팀 | Management Support Team |
경영관리팀 | Administration Team |
경영개선팀 | Management Improving Team |
기술지원팀 | Technical Support Team |
기계영업팀 | Machinery Sales Team |
마케팅팀 | Marketing Team |
설계팀 | Design Team |
소프트웨어팀 | S/W Team |
생산팀 | Production Team |
생산관리팀 | Manufacturing Management Team |
인터넷사업팀 | Internet Dept. |
전략기획팀 | Planning Dept. |
전자상거래팀 | E-Commerce Team |
영업팀장 | Sales & Marketing Manager |
제작팀 | Manufacturing Team |
품질관리팀 | Quality Control Team |
해외사업팀 | International Development Dept. |
QC팀 | Quality Control Team |
[직업별 구분]
한글 | 영문 |
게임프로그래머 | Game Programer |
교수 | Professor |
강사 | Instructor |
마술사 | Magicion |
박사 | Ph. D. |
부교수 | Associate Professor |
서비스관리분석가 | Service Analyst |
웹디자이너 | Web Designer |
웹마스터 | Web Master |
재무분석가 | Finance Manager |
조교수 | Assistant Professor |
지배인 | Manager |
프로그래머 | Programmer |
프로듀서 | Producer |
[영문 직급 약어 뜻]
CEO (Chief Executive Office)
최고 경영자 또는 최고경영책임자
어느 회사, 단체, 정부 부서의 총체적인 경영을 책임지는, 가장 높은 위치에 있는 경영자
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
: 최고 재무 책임자
최고 재무 관리자. 회사 내 재무 관련 직무에서 가장 결정권이 큰 직위
CCO (Chief Communications Officer)
: 최고 고객담당 책임자
회사 내 크리에이티브 직무에서 가장 결정권이 큰 직위
회사의 유형에 따라 조직과 관련된 마케팅, 미디어 및 브랜드의 전반을 담당
CDO (Chief Design Officer)
: 최고 디자인 책임자
COO (Chief Operation Officer)
: 최고 운영 책임자
기업 내의 사업을 총괄하는 책임자, 미국의 기업들에서 처음 생겨난 직책
통상적으로 회사 내에서 회장이나 CEO 다음 가는 지위의 직책으로 여겨짐
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
: 최고 마케팅 책임자
CIO (Chief Information Officer)
: 최고 정보관리 책임자
CTO (Chief Technology Officer)
: 최고 기술 책임자
기업 또는 그 직업 조직 내에서
기술을 효과적으로 획득·관리·활용하기 위한
모든 경영지원 활동을 총괄하는 책임자
CLO (Chief Learning Officer)
: 최고 학습 책임자
CLO (Chief Labor Officer)
: 최고 노무 책임자
CRO (Chief Risk Officer)
: 최고 위험 책임자
경영 위험 전문 관리
CSO (Chief Satisfaction Officer)
: 최고 고객만족 경영자
CSO (Chief Security Officer)
: 최고 보안 책임자
CSO (Chief Strategy Officer)
: 최고 전략 책임자
회사의 비전 수립, 포트폴리오 전략, 중장기 전략, 신규사업 전략을 아우르는 전략 관리
CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer)
: 최고 지식 경영자
정보기술과 정보시스템이 조직의 경쟁력을 좌우하는 중요한 위치를 차지하면서
이를 총괄 관리할 필요가 있어 새롭게 등장한 직책
조직에 존재하는 기본 지식이나 경영 프로세스가 보다 잘 활용되도록 하거나
새로운 지식을 발견할 수 있도록 지원하는 프로그램이나 시스템의 설계
CHO (Chief Human Resource Officer)
: 최고 인사 책임자
CPO (Chief Privacy Officer)
: 최고 개인정보관리 책임자
So, who is who?
The Chief Executive Officer is the person in charge of the management and administrative direction of the organization. In most cases, the CEO is also the founder and drives the purpose, vision, and mission of the company. Responsible for connecting the business with the market, having the final say in budgeting investment decisions, and directing the company’s strategies.
Acting as the executing hand of a CEO, the Chief Operating Officer is in charge of the day-to-day administration and operation of the business. He is mainly focused on executing the company’s business plan, according to the established business model. COOs often design operations strategies, communicate policies to employees, and help build core teams.
The Chief Marketing Officer is responsible for marketing activities, including sales management, product development, advertising, market research, and customer service. With a focus on maintaining quality service through communication and aligning the interests of all departments to optimize marketing activities.It devises marketing plans and ensures his team executes them.
The Chief Financial Officer, also known as the Financial Director, is in charge of the economic and financial planning of the company. CFOs decide when and where to invest and assess the risks in order to increase the value of the company. Contributes financial knowledge accounting and provides a general and analytical look at the business.
The Chief Information Officer looks after the systems of the company that are related to information technology at the process level and from the point of view of planning. The CIO analyzes the benefits new technologies can offer, identify which ones are more interesting, and evaluate its operation. The CIO focuses on improving the efficiency of internal processes to ensure information flows accordingly.
The Chief Technology Officer oversees the development and correct operation of information systems from the point of view of execution. Generally responsible for the technical teams and implementing new strategies to improve the final product. The key difference is that a CTO is responsible for the technology strategy to improve the final product.
With the rise of new communication channels such as social media, the role of the CCO is becoming important. The Chief Communications Officer is responsible for managing corporate reputation, contacting the media, and developing Branding strategies. His main function is to establish media relationships to guarantee brand awareness and positive imaging. With the rise of new communication channels such as social media, the role of the CCO is becoming important.
The increasing amount of new innovations in the digital ecosystem prompted the creation of the new role of Chief Digital Officer. The CDO is in charge of the transformation of the company towards a digital environment. He will be responsible for finding new opportunities within the digital sphere that will help the company reach the objectives of the digital era.
The Chief Security Officer is the responsible executive for the company’s physical and digital security. With the increasing number of cyber attacks, this role has become an important one on the c-suite level. His main role is to provide executive leadership and oversee the risk assessment prioritizing the company’s activities toward this effectiveness. Thus, he will devise plans and contingencies to avoid cyber attacks.
The Chief Procurement Officer is responsible for sourcing, supply chain management, and procurement for the company. He also has to ensure that the organization is adhering to the policies and procedures and that the expenses within the organization are cost-effective. This position has increased significance in corporations, and the role is thought to have grown more strategic in the last years.
The CGO, or Chief Green Officer, is the person in charge of implementing and managing the corporation’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and is also called the Chief Environmental Commitment Officer (CECO). The CGO will also be responsible for developing strategic alliances, new products, and environmental stewardship.
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